ES Ranganathan on Transforming India's Oil & Energy Sector

ES Ranganathan on Transforming India's Oil & Energy Sector

Integrating AI into maintenance operations can transform how equipment is monitored and maintained. With sensors and IoT devices, data is continuously collected from machinery. AI algorithms then process this data to predict potential breakdowns or maintenance needs. This proactive approach helps prevent unexpected downtime, extends the life of equipment, and ensures the safety of workers. “By preventing breakdowns during operation and scheduling timely repairs or replacements when machinery is idle, this preventive strategy uses AI to protect equipment and heavy machinery effectively. It also ensures efficient operations, cost savings, and improved safety,” says ES Ranganathan.

AI algorithms can also analyze large amounts of data to optimize resource allocation, such as identifying the best drilling locations or refining processes, which increases productivity and reduces waste. “Drilling optimization involves using advanced AI algorithms to analyze various geological and subsurface data to find the most promising locations for drilling oil, gas, or other resources,” says ES Ranganathan. This method aims to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of drilling operations while minimizing resource use and costs. These algorithms use machine learning and data analysis techniques to spot patterns, correlations, and signs of underground resource deposits.

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