How IAS Subodh Agarwal is Driving Rajasthan’s Digital Water Distribution Revolution

How IAS Subodh Agarwal is Driving Rajasthan’s Digital Water Distribution Revolution

Climate change is putting increasing pressure on water resources, with natural disasters becoming more frequent and severe each year. Indian farmers are the hardest hit by this crisis, as it severely impacts agricultural productivity and their incomes. One solution that could greatly help them is better water management, and Rajasthan seems to be heading in the right direction with its digital water distribution system. Subodh Agarwal IAS, a senior IAS officer who has served as the secretary in Rajasthan’s water resources department, shared his thoughts on this initiative.

According to a NITI Aayog report, India uses 2-3 times more water to grow one ton of crops compared to developed countries. Agriculture, which consumes about 80% of the country’s water resources, is heavily dependent on unpredictable monsoons and depleting groundwater levels.

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